Created in 1989, the FATF establishes international recommendations to combat money laundering and terrorist financing. In 2019, the “travel rule” includes the VASPs in the recommendations. From FATF to the Travel Rule Creation and ambitions of the FATF The FATF (Financial Action Task Force) is an international grouping whose aim is to fight against Money […]
Raising funds for your company through the sale of financial securities requires a great deal of compliance effort. In Europe, ESMA is the body that regulates the financial markets, notably through the Prospectus Directive. Focus on some of its specificities. What is the Prospectus Directive? ESMA first published the Prospectus Directive in 2003. ESMA stands […]
In France, digital asset service providers have been defined thanks to the PACTE law. Designed to protect the investor and fight against money laundering, some services require prior registration with the AMF. What are digital assets and PSANs? As we have seen in a previous article on the “Minibons” ordinance of 2016 and the regulations […]
Every year, the Ritossa family office invites elite Family Offices and wealthy individuals from around the world to come together and discuss the best investment strategies. Talium Assets and ADMCS were fortunate to be invited to the 12th summit to present their respective projects. ADMCS presentation ADMCS, for Alsace Digital Multimodal Container Services, aims to […]
The International Token Standardization Association aims to bring more clarity to the definition and classification of cryptographic tokens. Some members, such as Talium, may participate in working groups to contribute to this very important work. What is ITSA? ITSA is an acronym for International Token Standardization Association. As its name suggests, it is an association […]
Tokenization allows you to register equities (among other things) on a blockchain type distributed ledger. In order to be usable from end to end digitally, a token must have several characteristics. Tokenization explained We can summarize assets tokenization in one simple sentence: it is the digitalization of a right (political, financial, property), on a shared […]
In France, the DEEP (Dispositif Électronique d’Enregistrement Partagé: electronic shared registration system in English) enables joint-stock companies to record their share movements in a decentralized register (e.g. blockchain). This simplifies the process and saves the intermediation costs related to account keeping/custody. Let’s define the electronic shared registration system and securities movements The world of fintech […]
The Talium Assets platform has been under development since 2018, produced by Talium. The website, developed in 2020, allows you to discover the platform, to learn about everything that surrounds tokenization and to easily get in touch with our team. The Talium Assets website is divided into several sections: The “What to tokenize and why” […]
Thanks to its EVM-like protocol, Wanchain is a partner of choice for the Talium Assets platform. Wanchain provides standards that can be used in all the tokenization industry. In June 2020 the partnership between Talium and Wanchain for the Talium Assets platform was announced. In order to explain our partnership in detail, Wanchain has provided […]
In this article, we propose to you a translation of an interview of Julien Brodier, published on Forbes in October 2020. Offered in SaaS mode, the solution, which is based on blockchain technology, considerably reduces transfer and settlement times by ensuring the transferability of digitized securities. Explanations from Julien Brodier, co-founder of Talium. What is […]
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